Company Profile

The People

PK-Insights is led by its CEO Theodor W. Guentert. He has profound experience in pharmaceutical research and development, initially through his education and university training and then through a multitude of leadership positions in the Pharmaceutical Industry in preclinical and clinical research (see Biosketch TWG, Experience TWG). His publication activities (see TWG Publication Activities), reflect his areas of active research in pharmacokinetics and -dynamics, biopharmaceutics, clinical pharmacology, drug metabolism, medicinal chemistry and bioanalytics. As an academic teacher TWG holds a venia docendi at the University of Basel, Switzerland and teaches regularly on general or special topics in Pharmacokinetics, Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacology at this University or at international courses (see Experience TWG).
Through his long-standing and multifaceted activities in pharmaceutical research in industry and academia Theodor W. Guentert maintains a dense network of connections with industry and academic leaders in the many disciplines contributing to finding and developing new medicines, allowing him to draw on their experience and knowledge. For comprehensive data analysis management and reporting tasks he can build on an established partnership network with unique capabilities in the development of pharmaceuticals and medical devices and in regulatory sciences (NDA Partners LLC, ).